What can be worst than an empty To-Do list?

Othmane Agoumi
2 min readJul 24, 2020


Let’s dive in, what the real meaning of a To-Do list. Can be à piece of paper, a software, An app on your phone everything can we write into it. So what this Time-Honored Systeme can help us in our works and life.

We are human and we love the most than a tool can pull out of our sea of struggles with getting stuff done and what we mastering the most; finding the simple-beautiful solution.so we create a To-Do list.

Psychologist and author Dr. David Cohen believe his struggle to stay organized is helped, but not entirely solved, by his to-do lists, which must be on paper — preferably in a diary — and need to be constantly monitored. “My family thinks I’m chaotic,” he says, “but I would be much more so without my lists — they’ve kept me in line for years.”

Cohen puts our love of to-do lists down to three reasons: they dampen anxiety about the chaos of life; they give us a structure, a plan that we can stick to; and they are proof of what we have achieved that day, week or month.

We now know why the popular system is so effective.

The key behind Getting Tasks Done is writing everything down and sorting it effectively. This act of planning reduces the burden on the brain, which is struggling to hold the mental list of all the things we have to do. Releasing the burden of unfinished tasks on the mind frees it up to become more effective.

This act of planning reduces the burden on the brain, which is struggling to hold the mental list of all the things we have to do. Releasing the burden of unfinished tasks on the mind frees it up to become more effective.

So now you don’t have any excuses to be lazy but it’s not about what things we use or we have used it’s about our determination and our future. Believe in your dream and don’t forget dreams stay dreams without goals.



Othmane Agoumi

Enjoyable customer experience isn't a option but a responsibility.